A compiler is an automatic translator that translates a program that is available in a source format into a machine language.
At WEETECH systems, source files are created and edited in the editor by using specific, intuitive computer languages, such as TCL*, TSL* or ATS*.
The machine language consists of a special format, optimally suited to the particular test requirements and can only be read by a very specific program (here: the tester itself).
For example: remote control commands like sending a pulse to the adaption or to connected resources in the safety circuit need to be translated into the object format.
In addition, the topology of a network inside of a unit under test (UUT) is being split by the compiler into single connections, e.g. in case of a splice.
The compiler translates the test program test step by test step for the test system until it reaches the test end control (command: End.). All following commands can only include comments or additional information for the inspector.
*TCL = Test Command Language for IVIS 5
*TSL = Test Script Language for IVISion Studio
*ATS = Advanced Test Script for CEETIS