The command End. Defines the end of a TCL*, TSL* or ATS* source code. The period (.) behind the command End is part of the command and needs to be inserted in the editor.
TCL, TSL and ATS are computer languages, especially developed for the individual WEETECH Test Systems. First and foremost they are description languages for network structures and they contain elements to describe the test procedure [test run].
After the actual end of the electrical test but before the end of the test program often other program steps are performed. Here are some examples:
A compiler translates the source code until the command End. After the command End. only individual information can be added as a comment; no further test step will be executed anymore.
*TCL = Test Command Language (e.g. at IVIS 5)
*TSL = Test Script Language (e.g. at IVISion Studio)
*ATS = Advanced Test Script (e.g. at CEETIS)